cancellation policy.

Cancellations made more than 72 hours in advance of your experience receive a full refund.

  • Changes to guest count made more than 72 hours in advance of your scheduled experience will receive a refund for the price per guest reduced.

  • Rescheduling more than 72 hours in advance of your scheduled experience is free of charge.

Cancellations made less than 72 hours in advance of your scheduled experience will not receive a refund.

  • Changes to guest count made less than 72 hours in advance of the scheduled experience are non-refundable and not subject to individual rescheduling.

  • Rescheduling less than 72 hours of your experience is an option for a $25 fee.

  • Rescheduling same day more than 1 hour before event will result in a $100 rebooking fee.

No Shows.

If your entire party, a portion of your party, or an individual guest in a party do not show up to their experience, they will not receive a refund and do not have the option to reschedule. Calling in during or after the scheduled experience are considered no shows. 

These situations are never fun but please know the policy is in place because we are a small business that runs by appointment only. We must staff each experience based on advanced booking reservations. We cater to the experience prior to our guests arrival which includes preparing the studio, mixing paint, setting up stations, tools and supplies for each scheduled guest. We have limited staff so last minute changes and cancellations are costly to our small business. We appreciate your understanding.